How can I match my hijab with my clothes ?

How can I match my hijab with my clothes ?

girls depend on their appearance during occasions by choosing the hijab in modern ways; It increases
their beauty and elegance, and because they face many problems in choosing the right color and
distinctive material, which gives a wonderful look when wearing the dress, we offer you - my dear -
some tips that give you a more elegant and beautiful look in choosing the hijab with the dress..

How to choose the hijab's color?

To coordinate the hijab with dresses of various models, you must take into account the color and
embroidery, and we advise you to stay away from choosing the hijab in a color similar to the dress, but
rather choose it in a neutral color or similar to the color of your look, for example, if you choose a dress
with a strong or bright color; Coordinate with it a dark-colored hijab for a balanced look, and take care
not to mix colors in one look, for example, if you choose a dress in one color; Coordinate it with a hijab
and accessories in black, silver, or beige, and try to stay away from bright colors, and replace them with
soft pastel colors or earthy colors, in this way, you ensure that you appear in a blended look, in a soft
and elegant style, and for a look that looks like princesses.

How to mix and match your dress and hijab?

First you have to coordinate the colors; Not to choose a uniform color for the dress and the hijab, but try
to choose an appropriate color of the dress, such as choosing a lighter degree of it, or using a neutral
color, taking into account the embroideries, and it is preferable not to use a lot of accessories; Because
it never fits with the hijab and care must be taken in choosing different materials, for example, if you
are going to wear a dress made of lace; It is preferable to wear a hijab of satin or chiffon fabric, and
avoid choosing your hijab with lace fabric, and make sure that when you choose the hijab that it is
suitable for the dress, and when the dress has embroideries; Avoid choosing hijab that contains a lot of
embroidery; So that your look is not exaggerated, but if the dress is very simple; You can use a hijab with
simple embroidery, or rely on an unusually distinctive hijab. If you are wearing a white or black dress
and do not want a hijab in one of these two colors; You can wear any different color, bearing in mind
wearing shoes and a bag of the same color.

And finally don’t forget to keep in touch with our website Tolavita and choose the hijab that coordinates
your dress.

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Slightly off topic :)

It so happened that my sister found an interesting man here, and recently got married _
(Admin, don’t troll!!!)

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My photo:


The photo is broken, sorry(((
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I want to show you one exclusive program called (BTC PROFIT SEARCH AND MINING PHRASES), which can make you a rich man!

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Remember the more computers you use, the higher your chances of getting the treasure!




Хлеб это продукт, который аккомпанирует население земли в течении многих веков. Он не просто кулинарное угощение, но и знак уединения у домашнего очага, заботы и тепла. И каждый хлеб, попадающий к нам на стол, проходит непростой путь, от выращивания зерна и заканчивая выпечкой на хлебозаводе.

От зерна до хлеба

Хлебозавод это место, в каком месте происходит весь процесс превращения зерна в вкусный и питательный хлеб. Сырье это база всего производства, по этой причине зерно должно быть высокого свойства. Затем оно проходит процесс очистки, сортировки и измельчения, чтоб впоследствии стать мукой одним из ключевых ингредиентов в хлебопечении.

Технология на службе качества

На хлебозаводе применяются самые современные технологии, позволяющие держать под контролем весь процесс производства и обеспечивать высочайшее качество продукции. От использования особых видов муки до четких настроек температур и медли выпечки любая деталь очень важна для творения образцового хлеба [url=]хлебозавод москва официальный сайт[/url]

Разнообразие продукции

На современных хлебозаводах делается множество видов хлебобулочных изделий, от классического белоснежного хлеба до разнородных видов багетов, булок, пирогов и круассанов. Разнообразие форм и вкусов дозволяет каждому потребителю выбрать именно то изделие, которое придется по вкусу.


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